How to Take Control of Your Personal Finances, Do You Have What It Takes?
What does it take to be in control of your personal finances? To do this you must own and operate your own business. So what does that take?
You need to be a self-starter, a person who demonstrates uncompromising discipline; exhibits rock solid work ethics, with continuing effort that is beyond and above the norm; a readiness to fall down and pull yourself back up; and a willingness to spend personal time, money, and energy over and over again until you succeed.
This requires sacrifice, the ability to take criticism and you may be ridiculed for your extraordinary efforts. First you will need to put your business success a head of pleasure.
This does not mean that you will allow your relationship or family priorities to suffer, what it means is that once those have been taken care of, your business is second to nothing else. It also means that you may lose some sleep, because when your family is sleeping you just might need to take care of some important business matters. As you do not want to allow them to interrupt the normal process of family life.
Are you willing to do this?
This is what successful business owners do. With that being said are you ready to tackle your own business.
If you are willing to do this, you will become successful and you clearly have what it takes. If not there is no reason to read the rest of this article.
So for those who want to know more about this, let's get started...
The first thing you need to do, is sit down with your spouse or partner if you have one and discuss your plans on this matter. You need to clear away any potential obstacles before starting any business venture.
While your partner or spouse may not be willing to go with you the extra mile to be successful. You need to make sure that they will not be a road block. Getting their approval and support up front is extremely important. This will give you the freedom to do what you need to do.
The second thing you need to do is to get your mind really wrapped around what you are going to embark upon. This is real work and will be tiring at times, you need to mentally be ready for the challenge.
If you are not ready or prepared, you will fail. You need to find an accountability partner that will encourage you and will remind you of your commitment when you get discouraged and need a pick me up.
Then you personally need to sit down and decide how much effort and personal resources you are willing to invest in your business. In quantities of time, money and energy. You also need to determine what you are willing to sacrifice to be successful, yes sacrifice. No pain no gain.
There will be occasions when you are not able to attend personal functions because your business must come first. If you always put these special occasions first you will fail. You also need to determine how to schedule your weekly activities identifying the time needed to complete income generating functions.
The important thing is to clearly understand what activities need to be completed each week to build and advance your business; and at all costs each week you must complete these tasks.
Remember this is not a hobby. Hobbies cost money they do not make money. If this is a hobby for you, then I recommend you quit before you get started.
The key to your business success is, only do the tasks that lead to sells, revenue, or income. This is the life blood of your business.
The next thing is finding a business that you can be comfortable with and that you are excited about putting your soul, heart, mind, and energy into. You need to have passion about it and it has to be more than a pay check.
If money is the only motivator, you will quickly lose your enthusiasm and interest and it will become a job and you will fail. So find something that you can wrap yourself around and then go sell it to the world.
Remember owning your own business means that you are going to sell a product or a service or both to an end customer for their betterment and profit. It is a win-win proposition, they get something they want or need and in return, you receive payment for providing a needed or wanted item.
Now, let's take a look on how to set up a successful business, utilizing leverage to multiply your time, money, and efforts.
In any business start up; there are two factors that come into play. You need to have a product or service that millions of people want or need. And you need to have a method that enables the consumer to find you to order this product or service from you.
The best businesses to get involved with do not require you to stock merchandise and have to ship a service or product to the end customer. This is costly and time consuming and takes away from your most productive efforts which is getting the product or service in front of the customer and getting them to purchase it.
You also do not want to have to lease a building or office space as these costs create unnecessary overhead and immediately take away from your profits. If you can do this, the best situation is to run your business out of your home, creating a small office space somewhere in your home.
So you want the manufacturing company to stock and ship the products for you and you really only want to be the middle man is primarily the customer liaison or interface.
This is the most difficult part of owning a business, making the sell once a customer has seen your advertisement or is at your website.
Another key element is clearly defining a warm market to present your product or service to. When going into business your warm market is not a friend or a relative. A warm market is a person who is looking for the product or service that you are selling. They are in need of a product that you are selling and when presented to them they will genuinely check it out to see if it can and will meet their needs.
This is truly the only warm market that a sells representative has.
So what is the best way to find and identify your warm market for your services or products? The best way is advertising. That would be on TV, radio, the Internet, news paper, magazines, and word of mouth. All of these cost a substantial amount of money, but this is the cost of doing business.
Recently I discovered a new method on how to combine these warm market generators at a substantially low-cost and it is call Cooperative Marketing. It provides ads on TV, radio, and the Internet, and is getting tons of word of mouth advertising through this co-op program.
What it does is exposes its product line to thousands of people weekly using media, TV, radio, and the Internet to introduce products that customers are wanting and needing. Then they give business minded people like you the ability the right to purchase the life time acquisition of these paying customers who called into the program to purchase their products.
This process offsets the companies advertising costs, along with yours and you receive a life time customer. This is not a warm customer, this is a hot customer because they have already purchased the product and are wanting to use it to meet their needs.
The exciting thing about this process is that these products are products that will be used over and over month after month for a life time. So if you have the ability to build a solid customer relationship, you can create a customer base, based upon these Cooperative Marketing hot leads.
The key skill that you need to develop is your ability to build personal relationships with customers that you acquire, showing them that you care, and want them to have the best product experience possible. If you can do this, then owning and running a business has never been simpler.
This takes all the guess-work out of the advertising equation; as ready-made customers call in order products, and as a business person you acquire these customers and you build long-term relationships with them.
All of the heavy lifting such as servicing the customer is done by the manufacturer, as they take the orders over the phone, ship the products; deal with customer issues, and service refunds or returns. The company also sends out magazines and monthly articles about other products and special deals, and up and coming new releases.
So why is a company like this willing to share the profits with a business person like you? Because they know that long term business relationships are built on trust and loyalty. To get trust and loyalty they need people willing to call and nurture the relationships. The company opens the door and you are the connecting point for the customer.
When a customer calls the order line they do not get a relationship person, they get a person whose job is to take an order just as if you were at Burger King or McDonald's. They are courteous, but their main go is to take the order and then go on to the next customer.
Your responsibility is to build strong relationships with these customers, introduce them to new products when they come to market, and help them to assimilate these products into their daily habits. And you get paid very handsomely for doing so.
These broadcasts are occurring 7 x 24 hours, 365 days every year throughout North America.
So if you can get behind these products, then your business success has been reduced down to; purchasing co-op customers, making phone calls, helping each customer have the best product experience available, showing that you care about their personal results, and introducing them to more of the same type of products they are already purchasing and enjoying. And to help them refer others who can benefit from these products.
Cooperative Marketing is a unique way of doing business and few companies have figured out how to implement or have the ability to carry out this. As a business person this makes complete since. It is a mixture of Franchising, as it provides name recognition, direct sells, because it provides one on one contact with the customer, MLM benefits because it allows people to recruit business partners and sharing in the total group volume generated monthly, and it allows one to run their business from the home because 90% of the work is done via the telephone and on your personal computer.
So owning and operating your own Cooperative Marketing business has never been easier. However, it takes commitment and every quality that was listed in the beginning of this article. If you do not have these desires and skills you will not succeed in any business venture you attempt.
If you want to learn more about this unique opportunity then give me a call or go to my website. The sky is the limit as this business is in a market segment that generates over 50 billion dollars of revenue yearly and is growing; and it is only going to get better.
And the best news is; this manufacture is setting the stage to go international in 2011. So give me a chance to help teach and integrate you into the world of Cooperative Marketing. Your business success is really only a phone call away.
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